Reduce operating costs and eliminate operational inefficiencies with a secure and comprehensive document management system.

Streamline the back office.
Turbocharge the performance of back-end processes of government agencies with automated workflows. Enable quick turnarounds with the instant movement of digital documents through the chain of custody for action and approval.
Never lose a file.
With Tessi Docubase®, every document that enters the system is captured, stored, and indexed automatically in granular detail. Be it certificates, forms, invoices, or memos, full-text search and intelligent metadata capture ensure ease of storage and retrieval of documents.

Track paper trails effortlessly without paper.
Be it regulatory compliance or investigation, secure audit trails are necessary for the functioning of any government service. Tessi Docubase® captures such historical data immutably and makes it available at fingertip convenience.
Extend core governance systems, without the overhaul.
Tessi Docubase® integrates seamlessly with your existing systems like CRM and ERP apart from applications in HR, Accounting, and more. Transform digitally while keeping the disruption down to a bare minimum.

Interface with citizens seamlessly.
To the citizen, dealing with bureaucracy is often a daunting challenge prone to inexplicable delays. With faster transactional turnaround times, automated notifications, and alerts, Tessi Docubase® ensures that the citizen is always in the loop.
Empower your remote workforce.
Tessi Docubase® has been ever-ready to adapt to the functioning of government agencies in the post-pandemic world. Secure document sharing and multi-tiered access controls ensure easy collaboration while ensuring the highest standards of data security to preserve sensitive information.

Streamline the back office.
Turbocharge the performance of back-end processes of government agencies with automated workflows. Enable quick turnarounds with the instant movement of digital documents through the chain of custody for action and approval.

Never lose a file.
With Tessi Docubase®, every document that enters the system is captured, stored, and indexed automatically in granular detail. Be it certificates, forms, invoices, or memos, full-text search and intelligent metadata capture ensure ease of storage and retrieval of documents.

Track paper trails effortlessly without paper.
Be it regulatory compliance or investigation, secure audit trails are necessary for the functioning of any government service. Tessi Docubase® captures such historical data immutably and makes it available at fingertip convenience.

Extend core governance systems, without the overhaul.
Tessi Docubase® integrates seamlessly with your existing systems like CRM and ERP apart from applications in HR, Accounting, and more. Transform digitally while keeping the disruption down to a bare minimum.

Interface with citizens seamlessly.
To the citizen, dealing with bureaucracy is often a daunting challenge prone to inexplicable delays. With faster transactional turnaround times, automated notifications, and alerts, Tessi Docubase® ensures that the citizen is always in the loop.

Empower your remote workforce.
Tessi Docubase® has been ever-ready to adapt to the functioning of government agencies in the post-pandemic world. Secure document sharing and multi-tiered access controls ensure easy collaboration while ensuring the highest standards of data security to preserve sensitive information.
Scale Digital Governance with document management.
Here’s how:
Meet the ever-changing demands of governance.
Government entities of all sizes from the Federal Government to the smallest of municipalities are under pressure due to regulatory and citizen demands. These include providing access to information, as well as enhancing services. While the pressure remains more or less constant, consider a few of the emerging challenges mentioned below.
New legislative mandates, reductions in staff, and tax revenues have resulted in various departments having to take on greater workloads. This means they must now do more with less.
The recent threats and challenges of terrorism and potential Homeland attacks have placed an additional burden on the government to guard itself by opening communications across multiple agencies. At the same time, it has become even more critical to keep information secure while still maintaining its citizens’ right to privacy as well as access to information.
Paper-based systems don’t adapt quickly enough to such change. Tessi Docubase® provides governments an agile and adaptable digital layer to meet these ever-changing demands, quickly and seamlessly.

How do DBS Document Solutions help governments?
DBS Solutions, Live Forms (eforms) and Tessi Docubase® Electronic Content Management (ECM) solutions enable government agencies and departments to reduce operating costs and eliminate operational inefficiencies by streamlining the capture, management, and controlling the distribution of information in electronic format. Whether information is currently stored in paper, electronic form, or even E-mail, Tessi Docubase® ECM solution enables you to manage this information securely and control access at the enterprise, group, and user level.
In addition, the unique storage method employed by Docubase provides disaster preparedness for you in that each electronic file contains its index information allowing for simplified reconstruction of an entire database from the back-up files.
Transition with minimal disruption.
Protecting current IT investments is as critical as transforming to a new and more efficient way of doing business. Keeping that in mind, Tessi Docubase® allows you to enhance your legacy data systems rather than displace them. You may continue using most legacy applications while enhancing them by linking to the centralized Tessi Docubase® database so that the information can be accessed from any authorized device.
Transparency, with uncompromised security.
The trust of citizens is critical to the functioning of government agencies. Therefore, transparency is a key value for any organization beholden to taxpayer money. Paper-based filing systems are not only cumbersome to deal with, but also the cause of avoidable delays and hampered transparency. Governance document solutions by DBS dispense with the need for paper and enhance the visibility of the minutest of processes. This means the citizen can always be kept informed of the progress of processes and notified of delays. Furthermore, such visibility breeds improved organizational performance and service delivery.
At the same time, keeping classified information secure is especially critical to governance. Tessi DocubaseGalaxy S22 Ultra allows for granular access controls and privileges for any given document. In addition, features like version history and audit trails ensure that no breach goes undetected.

Better administration at every level of governance.
From the local to the federal level, Tessi Docubase® streamlines operations, while saving time, space, and money.
Easy integrations with popular agenda management applications allow the creation and management of meeting agendas, minutes, and much more. And of course, Tessi Docubase® replaces tedious filing cabinets with high fidelity digital information housed in well-indexed and searchable databases. This includes disparate documents like departmental reports, tax revenue reports, operational expense reports, vendor vouchers, citizen records, deeds, titles and agreements, and more. You name it.
In days past, the search for such information might have been overwhelming. Using Tessi Docubase®, on the other hand, one simply needs to point and click the Resident Name, Property ID, or any other such pertinent piece of information from within the system in order to retrieve all of the relevant information that one is authorized to access.
Eliminate human error.
Tessi Docubase® makes manual data entry a relic of the past. With features like Optical Character Recognition built-in, the information within physical documents like forms, vouchers, invoices, and other documents are automatically recognized, categorized, indexed, and made full-text searchable.
Improved enforcement begins at better document management hygiene.
Tessi Docubase® helps you pre-empt legal complications with impeccably maintained and readily accessible information at all times. Case, citation, and virtually all information are accessible directly from your device. This gives you the ability to review and provide responses, be it to litigation or public inquiries, in real-time.
Further, a history of actions on all documents is securely maintained for ease of audit in case of escalations. This improves turnaround by eliminating the need to search through disparate paper documents, correspondence, or even video files. All of these are stored and accessible on the Tessi Docubase® application. Additionally, this information can be shared via fax, print, or e-mail right from your desktop or authorized device.

Streamline human resources administration.
In today’s world, it is a challenge to hire and retain the best personnel. And the challenge doesn’t end there. A mountain of resumes, employment applications, payroll inquiries, benefits documentation, and more, make the job of human resources quite daunting.
Tessi Docubase® ensures that all applicant and employee information is centralized and secure. Employment and benefits enrollment applications, benefit claim forms, personnel records and all associated personnel documents are captured and stored electronically, allowing you to retrieve a resume or answer a payroll or benefit question without leaving your desk.
Tessi Docubase® provides the ability to capture and maintain all applicant information in a centralized and securely encrypted repository that is accessible by all authorized personnel throughout the municipality. Documents, such as resumes, references and referral letters are presented to the hiring team quickly and easily. Annotation features allow for the addition of comments without changing the original document.
Payroll and Benefits Administration
Benefits management improvements result through point and click retrieval of employee paperwork like flex plan selections, claims, W-4 forms, 401(k) elections and insurance updates. Employee satisfaction is increased as a result of expeditious responses to inquiries and enhanced turnaround times when faced with life-changing events.
Tessi Docubase® allows you to link into your payroll application and retrieve stored records like Forms 1099, W-4 and W-2, for instant reconciliation of issued paychecks against records in your payroll software. Use of the inherent workflow capabilities combined with your e-mail system helps expedite the review process by electronically routing key documents to managers.
Human Resource and benefits managers have ready access to retrieve images of signed documents, accident reports, employee handbooks, business policy manuals and other related materials as well as individual employee documents which are linked to your Human Resources software.

Optimize the performance of law enforcement.
Consider the overwhelming amount of behind-the-scenes paperwork involved in law enforcement. Forensic Technicians, Firearms Examiners, and Crime Lab Technicians archive crime scene documents. Purchasing & Requisitions Unit for directives, purchase orders, and invoices. Police Detectives file crime reports. Other law enforcement departmental uses include training facilities, jail operations, coroner’s office, support services staff, and the human resources department. Tessi Docubase® invariably make the processes of law enforcement more efficient in the following ways.
Unite files
All Documentation can be stored in the same files such as paper documents crime scenes, sketches, fingerprints, blood and DNA sample information, and analytical work can be scanned digital pictures and Video from Patrol cars, crime scenes, mug shots can be directly imported to the system along with, E-mail, Word, Excel, CAD drawings.
Link crimes together based by searching for similarities such as Names, streets, type of crime, and associations or groups. Hyper-link from one file to another with similar index information.
Provide responses to litigations or public inquiries
Eliminating the need to search for paper documents, correspondence, or even video files, as these are all stored and accessible through your application enhances turnaround. Tessi Docubase® allows you to share this information via fax, print, or e-mail right from your desktop.
Day-to-day administration simplified.
Maintain Records
The job of the public office secretary can be overwhelming. With all the organizing, scheduling, and record-keeping, the burden of smooth functioning of governance rests arguably on the secretary’s shoulders. Unload the burden by streamlining operations with Tessi Docubase® saving time, space, and frustration.
Manage the Resolutions
Prepare and send resolutions through the appropriate workflows. Automatically routing the resolution to the needed steps, create revisions on the fly, and get the needed approvals in a fraction of the time.
Organize the Agenda
Organize and post City Council Meeting Agendas. Set blackout dates well in advance so no meetings are set during holidays or scheduled vacations. Select the appropriate meeting rooms based on room inventory. Post the Meeting agendas internally and over the Internet to the general public linked to your current web application. Notify council members, special guests, experts, and the media of upcoming meetings via e-mail, cell phones, and pagers through text alerts
Record the Minutes
Record the meetings, votes, and proceedings to immediately provide continuity of municipal government as the legal record of legislative action.
Manage Records requests
Process public information requests in seconds from the imaged municipal documents, even have the ability to provide public access to documents over the Internet.
Records Management
Provide records management program for all city departments including maintenance, storage, retention, destruction, and preservation per the guidelines of state and federal archive regulations.
Enhanced Operations
Question on the Minutes or regulation; with a simple query on the Date, description, or other pertinent pieces of information Docubase retrieves the information right at the desktop.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
This industry journey only scratches the surface of what we can do. Document management software can do incredible things for your institution, not just allowing you to cut out paper, but also giving you the opportunity to streamline your everyday processes so you save more time and money. Features like secure file-sharing, eSignatures, mobile access, and automation tools, make this an all-in-one centerpiece for any business of any size, in any industry.
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